Work Package 2. Design of Digital Printing Service
WP2 aims to establish the digital framework needed to manage data file and driving the data to the printer as well as the development of interactive tools to help customers in their choice.
- Regarding the Generation of digital images:
- Set up a robust protocol for generation of image data files.
- Create a database of images with different colours, textures and shapes that can be easily handled.
- Make compatible file formats to be used in interactive tools.
- Regarding the Personalisation tools for costumers:
- Implement a tool for the view of decorative boards with tailored colour.
- Implement a tool for boards tagged by the costumer.
- Implement a tool for costumer self-design.
- Regarding the Management of products and services:
- Define attributes of the order.
- Define a control quality protocol.
- Create an interactive catalogue.