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Cidade da Cultura


PRINTODECO Partner took place at SMARTER TOGETHER. This is a European Project focused on Sustainable development. The proposal of the Project is to build that Sustainable development on people: in integrated, inclusive societies that develop in partnership and foster dialogue among all parties. The collaboration between PRINTODECO AND SMARTHER TOGETHER is part of the strategy of linking European Projects to reach higher visibility for the actions of the projects.

SMARTER TOGETHER work plan is leader by Munich, Lyon and Vienna that act as lighthouses. It is followed by five other cities such as Santiago, Venice, Sofia, Yokohama and Kiev. The Project fosters user-centric innovation by involving even more people and stakeholders in the co-creation and design of new services and solutions. For that reason, SEISTAG was present at an action focused on co-design that was hold in Santiago de Compostela on Friday, October the 20th. The action was directed by local creatives named cenlitrosmetrocadrado.

PRINTODECO Partners sustain a deep compromise between design and society. The organisations at the consortium aim to boost local industry, sustainable use of natural resources (such as traditional hardwoods) and productive activities characterized by high added value (such as digital printing). Therefore, the participation of the technicians from SEISTAG at SMARTER TOGETHER was part of its compromise with design industry and local communities.

Round table at CdC

On September the 15th the technical director of PRINTODECO Project has steered a roundtable about collaboration between design and industry. It took place in Santiago de Compostela, at the international cultural centre Cidade da Cultura. It was part of a meeting about design and industry organized by the Wood Industry Cluster and held every two years.

This roundtable gathered qualified representatives from three different fields. Tania Pichel, from Molduras del Noroeste, and Ana Hermida from Muebles Hermida represented manufacturing sector. Designers were also present: Xabier Rilo and Ricardo Tubío from Cenlitrosmetrocadrado and José Antonio Vázquez from Studio Nomad. Finally, two Spanish research centres took part: Vicente Cambra from AITEX and Montserrat Rodríguez from GAIN CIS MADEIRA.

The roundtable was based on fast interventions that answer to specific issues on the collaboration between professional and the opportunities of the sector. The technical director of PRINTODECO steered the dialogue. The debate was focused on problematic subjects in the design sector like trends, designers and markets. The meeting success to catch the attention of more than 60 professionals who were present at the meeting. The opportunity of personalization and new technologies allowing artisan production were present during the talk.

At Cidade da Cultura

During 2017, the exhibition From tree to chair takes place in Santiago de Compostela, at Cidade da Cultura. The action lasts between 7ABR and 5NOV. It shows the importance of the natural resources at different levels: from societal and cultural to environmental and economical. The exhibition also shows the power of design to boost that potential.

An academicals meeting took place within this exhibition between 7JUN and 9JUN. Within this event, important Companies and Designers meet in Santiago de Compostela. SEISTAG, one of the partners of PRINTODECO Project, was invited to that meeting.

The intervention of SEISTAG was hold under the title From craftsmanship to industry. It described the importance of artisanship for industrial development, and also the importance of industrial mentality to guide all the creative efforts. Those ideas are among the main objectives of PRINTODECO Project: allowing individual creative activity to interact with industrial processes and products.