At Cidade da Cultura
During 2017, the exhibition From tree to chair takes place in Santiago de Compostela, at Cidade da Cultura. The action lasts between 7ABR and 5NOV. It shows the importance of the natural resources at different levels: from societal and cultural to environmental and economical. The exhibition also shows the power of design to boost that potential.
An academicals meeting took place within this exhibition between 7JUN and 9JUN. Within this event, important Companies and Designers meet in Santiago de Compostela. SEISTAG, one of the partners of PRINTODECO Project, was invited to that meeting.
The intervention of SEISTAG was hold under the title From craftsmanship to industry. It described the importance of artisanship for industrial development, and also the importance of industrial mentality to guide all the creative efforts. Those ideas are among the main objectives of PRINTODECO Project: allowing individual creative activity to interact with industrial processes and products.