
Work Package 4

Work Package 4. Dissemination and Exploitation

The WP4 provides the means for dissemination and exploitation of the project results. The WP comprises two blocks of activities: Dissemination and Exploitation.

Work Package 3

Work Package 3. Market Uptake

In order to commercialise the resultant products of the project, WP3 pursuits to analyse markets trends of the different sectors for the digital printing at European level and to validate the digital printing service:

  • To identify market trends for developing attractive image printed design and to get to know the most appropriate commercialization formats.
  • To validate digital printing service in a real environment. The real environment that has already been selected for the validation of the digital printing service is a set of kitchen furniture including kitchen worktops and cabinets
  • To identify the main markets where the developed solution can be replicated at European level and to implement the corresponding adaptation actions to carry out this replicability.

Work Package 2

Work Package 2. Design of Digital Printing Service

WP2 aims to establish the digital framework needed to manage data file and driving the data to the printer as well as the development of interactive tools to help customers in their choice.

  • Regarding the Generation of digital images:
    • Set up a robust protocol for generation of image data files.
    • Create a database of images with different colours, textures and shapes that can be easily handled.
    • Make compatible file formats to be used in interactive tools.
  • Regarding the Personalisation tools for costumers:
    • Implement a tool for the view of decorative boards with tailored colour.
    • Implement a tool for boards tagged by the costumer.
    • Implement a tool for costumer self-design.
  • Regarding the Management of products and services:
    • Define attributes of the order.
    • Define a control quality protocol.
    • Create an interactive catalogue.

Work Package 1

Work Package 1. Project Management

The main objective of WP1 is to manage the coordination of effort among all the partners to ensure the effective operation of the project, timely delivery of the results and adequate commercialization and communication of results. Specific objectives are:

  • To define internal management procedures into a project management handbook.
  • To perform both technical and administrative management at all stages in the project.
  • To organize meetings several times a year to hold technical and management board coordination meetings.