Two people from SEISTAG visited China in order to identify the key questions for market introduction of PRINTODECO outputs. The travel took place during the week of 14NOV to 18NOV. The cities of Shanghai and Qingdao were visited. The feedback from this action is a clear image of the main actors and rules for market uptake in East Asia.
Shanghai is the head-city for furniture, doors and added value decorative products. Meanwhile Qingdao is the marketplace for the raw materials such as decorative paper and boards. The PRINTODECO team organized B2B meetings in both cities. The target were with big companies interested on new products. The industrial case was second transformation in China and further exportation to abroad.
The feedback of the travel was marked by the current situation. The domestic demand –a huge market in China- is slowing down. Moreover, the region expects a devaluation of 3% in 2017. That action will join to a previous devaluation adopted in 2016. This means extra difficulties for local producers to imports. In this context the introduction of new products is difficult as intermediates and final customers are not so open to adventures.