The new catalogue of PRINTODECO designs is ready. This new edition includes personalization tools. It makes possible matching industrial products with final customer needs and likes. Moreover, it also makes possible to define exclusive designs and give protagonism to the customer who can define the product directly.
By the moment, the customization tools are offered throughout a catalogue. This means that the customer already has the customization possibilities, but using special software and knowledge is needed. Within the next month’s PRINTODECO will offer that support online, by means of a tool that allows direct customization by the final customer.
The personalization possibilities are based on three different tools to be explained in detail within the next weeks. The first one makes possible to adjust existing patterns by changing Hue, Saturation and Brightness. The second allows to combine a catalogue of textures with any colour to produce new surface designs. The third one blends a catalogue prefab images with images uploaded by the final customer.