On wednesday the 8th of june, LOSAN took part at the International Prescription Meeting. This meeting was an opportunity to share the PRINTODECO project with influencers and prescriptors from abroad as companies from 28 different countries were present.
The ceremony was held in Galicia (north wst of Spain). It was attended by the president of the Xunta de Galicia (Regional Goberment), Alberto Nunez Feijoo, who accompanied by the Regional Minister of Economy, Industry and Work, Francisco Conde. During the acts of the envent, the spanish designer Tomás Alonso was recognised as Honour Member of the Galician Cluster for Wood and Design.
At the meeting attended representatives from 56 companies from 28 countries from the four continents (except Oceania). The PRINTODECO project ambition interested to most of the people who attended to the event.