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FIMMA-MADERALIA Fair was a complete success in 2018. The meeting summed more than 60.000 square metres of exhibitors reaching more than 40.000 visits. According to the organization, up to 2.000 people came from abroad reaching the highest level of activity in the history of the meeting. This means growing over 19% in comparison to the previous encounter.

The PRINTODECO Partnership was present on the International Fair by means of LOGISIETE. The Company showed its new offer at a large and well positioned stand. Thanks to its participation on the Fair, LOGISIETE presented itself to more than five hundred different Companies.

The presence of the Consortium Partner at the Valencia International Fair included an informative show on PRINTODECO Project. Along the four days of the Fair, the Company showed the capability to adapt the traditional products to the current demand looking for personalization.

LOGISIETE also took advantage of this Fair to highlight new designs such as the so called Ultragloss or Ultramatt. Those finishings apply to the Venice doors, which are a successful product of the Company. LOGISIETE also shred its compromise of serving finished furniture produced on demand in just 24 hours: a demonstration of the Company being a technological leader.


The 38th edition of FIMMA and MADERALIA takes place in Valencia between February 6 and 9, Two International Fairs happen at the same time. On the one hand, Machinery and Tools; and on the other hand that of Materials and Components. Both focus on Furniture, Carpentry and Decoration. The two fairs represent the main meeting within the sector at national level and overlap with CEVISAMA, another local Fair in the sector.

In the 2018 edition, the fair has 443 exhibitors. Among them is the LOGISIETE Group. The company will hold its convention at this fair and will explain its participation in the PRINTODECO project. With this action, the company demonstrates its commitment to adopt the latest technologies with the aim of increasing the possibilities of personalization of products based on decorative melamine boards.

In addition to the value of personalization, PRINTODECO contributes to reducing the inefficiencies derived from an offer characterized by the large number of references and the rapid obsolescence. During the fair, LOGISIETE will show the technological complexity of the melamine board and the possibilities that digital printing can bring to the sector. Thanks to this technology, it is possible a faster renewal of references, a broader range of catalogues, greater possibilities of personalization and a prominent role of the final user in the development of the design.

FIMMA MADERALIA represents an innovative context. It recognizes emerging issues such as mass customization and co-design. The fair has a busy schedule within which the PRINTODECO project will be shown on February the 5th.


Thanks to PRINTODECO project, TORCULO and LOGISIETE have worked together to maximize processes synchronization. Both Companies share a highly organized internal organisation. PRINTODECO takes advantage of that background to define a shared workflow, which starts at the orders website.

Both Companies have reached a highly structured workflow, and both ought to renew its offer very often. From one side is TORCULO, which deals with over 100 work orders per day, most of them under 300 €. This stream of low cost work needs a high level of automatization and efficiency to be profitable. For example, TORCULO has made changes into the budgetary tool to be more flexible during PRINTODECO Project.

From the other side LOGISIETE, which delivers its products within the first 24 hours. This is a major commercial value for its customers, but it makes necessary to standardize and manage stocks with a high level of accuracy. During PRINTODECO, execution LOGISIETE has also made improvements into its internal tools, allowing scalability and better communication with customers, providers and third parties.


Digitally printed melamine boards would not be possible without the help of high tech SMEs such as Imatia, Inkromatic and Parqueweb. PRINTODECO partners started cooperation with those companies in 2015. They provided technological support and advice based on their prior experience. The collaboration was based on a Research and Development Project boosted by CDTI. CDTI is the Spanish Agency for Industrial and Technological Development.

Imatia is a SME specializes in rapid software development for companies and public administrations. In addition to serving as a basis for customer software development, Imatia offers this technology to companies or departments that want to develop high-quality application, either for internal use or for distribution.

Inkromatic is a SME focused on ink supply and technical support to inkjet printing. They take part in major shows such as CPRINT in Madrid. They are one of the major suppliers in the northwest of Spain.

Parqueweb is a SME developing on purpose software. They have large experience with e-commerce tools. They also provide technical support to PRINTODECO Project. Note that the customization tool of the project was developed with the collaboration of SEISTAG and Parqueweb.

The collaboration with these SMEs helps PRINTODECO to resolve many technological problems and receive qualified support of professionals.

Transforming digital boards manually

In October 2017, the first digitally printed melamine boards were presented in Brussels. The presentation took place within B2B learning exchange experience at Covent Garden Building. One month later, in November 2017, those boards feed the first experience of furniture making. The four Companies worked together in order to make possible this activity.

In order to transform raw melamine boards into furniture, two main operations ought to be made: cutting and edge banding. Cutting is usually made by a CAD/CAM tool. This is a robotic saw producing pieces that fit to the final dimensions. Edge banding is also an automatic process were a plastic band y fixed to the edge of the boards.

Although those operations are usually automatic, during PRINTODECO development ought to be made manually. By means of this it is possible to check the workability of the raw material. It also avoids failure within the innovative material that might cause damages to the expensive robotic tools for automatic cutting and edge banding.

Visiting Mexico

On the first week of November 2017, a technician of SEISTAG visited Mexico. This visit focused on testing the local market for the products coming out from PRINTODECO Project which are based on newness and design.

The Mexican furniture became important activity thanks to the rustic furniture and the American market. The development took advantage of the natural conditions of Mexico, which is a huge country with large natural resources and low labour costs. Moreover, Mexico is very well placed, close to the biggest markets in the world, which are the EEUU. Thanks to this, Mexico reached a prominent position within the international furniture market between the seventies and nineties.

Since then, the furniture industry in Mexico has shown a great deterioration. The traditional furniture business based on the low costs of the Mexican labour force and took advantage of being placed close to North America market. In the context of globalization, those advantages became irrelevant against producers coming from Asia.

During the last decades, the main demand on furniture moved to low price goods, mainly coming from Asia. The local industry sowed down due to the lack of technology, innovation and design added to the globalization of the sector changed the situation. The local industry lost the traditional advantages and therefore its competitiveness. For that reason, the biggest investors changed its preferences towards processes based on raw materials. Meanwhile, the demand for high quality goods, innovative products and exclusive furniture stablished as the new furniture market in Mexico as Asia producers cannot provide that kind of solutions.


PRINTODECO Partner took place at SMARTER TOGETHER. This is a European Project focused on Sustainable development. The proposal of the Project is to build that Sustainable development on people: in integrated, inclusive societies that develop in partnership and foster dialogue among all parties. The collaboration between PRINTODECO AND SMARTHER TOGETHER is part of the strategy of linking European Projects to reach higher visibility for the actions of the projects.

SMARTER TOGETHER work plan is leader by Munich, Lyon and Vienna that act as lighthouses. It is followed by five other cities such as Santiago, Venice, Sofia, Yokohama and Kiev. The Project fosters user-centric innovation by involving even more people and stakeholders in the co-creation and design of new services and solutions. For that reason, SEISTAG was present at an action focused on co-design that was hold in Santiago de Compostela on Friday, October the 20th. The action was directed by local creatives named cenlitrosmetrocadrado.

PRINTODECO Partners sustain a deep compromise between design and society. The organisations at the consortium aim to boost local industry, sustainable use of natural resources (such as traditional hardwoods) and productive activities characterized by high added value (such as digital printing). Therefore, the participation of the technicians from SEISTAG at SMARTER TOGETHER was part of its compromise with design industry and local communities.


The technical coordinator of PRINTODECO Project shared the achievements of the Consortium within COSME networking event held in Brussels on 19th of October 2017. This meeting focused on the digitally printed boards and its possibilities to convert in an emerging alternative for imprinting of melamine decorative paper.

During the presentation, people attending to the meeting had access to digitally printed boards. In addition to this the make of process was shown by means of sharing white paper, printed paper, resin impregnated paper and raw boards (chipboards and MDF).

By sharing this material made possible to understand the productive process and the challenges of the project: low prices and large scale married with high technology to reach a huge market. During the presentation, the public could get their copy of the book showing PRINTODECO advances. In addition to the book, flyers and catalogues of the Project were available for the people interested on PRINTODECO. Another technical material shared with the public were the colour management proofing process.

The meeting succeed to catch the attention of the participances and to demonstrate the evident advantages of digital printing. In addition, it has been identified that the products obtained from PRINTODECO project will allow a high customization rate, a considerable time to market and production cost reduction, as well as a high business model replicability rate and the increase of market share.


Coordinator of PRINTODECO, other partners of the projects selected under the COSME program and participants from European Commission had two days meeting in Brussels. This meeting took place in Cover Garden Auditorium on October 19th and 20th. At the event a large debate was held. During the first day of the meeting the building up on the discussion and exchange held on impact with the wider audience of COSME projects. Day two takes back the discussion to the Community of 10 projects to deepening on harvesting and impact.

The main attention was paid to an effective ´B2B learning exchange´ on market uptake and to a facility networking and synergies with other projects. PRINTODECO agreed with proposal to build a community of the projects. This community helps to get an insight on the scope of the individual projects and to provide information on the administrative and financial management of COSME projects. PRINTODECO shared information of the project monitoring, financial reporting and review.

Two principal actions decided to undertake as a result of the meeting were the followings: (i) ´B2B leaning exchange´ as market uptake project, (ii) ´B2B leaning exchange´ as managing the COSME design based consumer goods project.

The companies at the meeting showed interest in the project idea and main objectives of it.

Teaming up for success

PRINTODECO Project will be presented at COSME networking event to be held on 19th of October 2017. The meeting is focused on “teaming up for success”, it will help to share experience between innovative European companies. Project partners will explain the world of melamine boards and how can it change due to digital printing. They will show new expected products and possibilities. By means of the new possibilities, new products are possible as unexpected effects and are possible. The technical coordinator of the project will be present.

During the presentation, the first digitally printed boards will be shown. Also, many details on how they were made will be explained. Challenges such as colour management and image processing. In addition to this, the customization tools will be explained. The presentation of the Project will be highlighted one of its major concepts which is radical change that digital printing brings into the value chain of the melamine board.

As the project is focused on market uptake and business development, the attention will be placed at business opportunities, new markets, marketing strategies, etc. The proposal of PRINTODECO Project will simplify the access of digital printing to new markets such as melamine boards. By doing this the framework conditions for the competitiveness of SMEs will be improved.